Following our trials and tribulations as we attempt to remove all grains, many starchy vegetables and most sugars from our diet while maintaining our love of good food! We strive to make all of our recipes GAPS and/or SCD compliant. Note: We didn't know about "Grain-Free Gourmet" when we chose our name. We are not affiliated with those good folks.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mexican Caprese Salad

I can't harvest a beautiful, ripe red tomato from the garden without thinking of Caprese Salad- the wonderful summer dish of fresh tomato, fresh basil, and fresh mozzarella.  Since the fresh mozzarella is out, I tried to think of what else has a creamy texture and goes well with tomatoes....  Once I had the avocado and tomato combo, it seemed only natural to give it a more Mexican feel.  This is a bit unorthodox, but it is delicous!


2-3 vine-ripened tomatoes, depending on size
1-2 avocados, depending on size
handfull of cilantro
olives to taste
olive oil
salt to taste


Slice the tomatoes and avocados, and then arrange them on a plate in a circle, alternating tomato with avocado.  Drizzle generously with olive oil, then sprinkle with cilantro and olives.  Salt to taste.

1 comment:

  1. I often have a tomato, avocado, shrimp "salad" or tomato, avocado and eggs for breakfast. I love the tomato avocado combo.



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